Friday, November 5, 2010

62.000 kids will be the beneficiaris of the campaing of Identity

Three years ago, Lorena, 25 years old, lost her kid of 2 years old, in the market, north of the city. He was found the day after in an house for homeless people. Even thugh she found her kid the next day, she couldn't take it home after a week since the lack of documentation wasn't very helpful.

"The lack of interest of registered my son, from my husband and I made this whole incident more slow." Stated Lorena

The statistics of 2008 shows that only 52% of the people that registered thier kids belong to the kids that are born the same year. There is an 11% of registered people before they are starting school. According to the Observatory of the Rights of the children and the Adolescence there were 1'500.000 Ecuadorians without being registered; and 600.000 were under age 18.

This is something really normal in this country, you can see a lot of people that don't registered their kids because they don't know how or they don't have the enough money to do it. " To not registered your kid may created a trauma in your kids, because if they don't exist legally later it comes the problems because they wont be able to get into school".

If you have a kid you need to register him, the parents now days are taking hands into the matter. They are registering their kids so they will have a form of identity, so when they are old enough and its time for them to go to school, they will be able to register them without any problems.

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