Thursday, October 28, 2010

People will always support with decision if the City Hall still acomplish what thye promise

Some people of the Chongon's community show interested of been part in the new limits of the city and that Chongon keeps been a urban parroqui instead of a rural, like other members of the board keep requesting.
Nevertheless they still support the City Hall of Guayaquil in every decision as long as they still do the work that they promised to do. There was a meeting yesterday in teh afternoon in the share house El Mangle, located in Puerto Hondo, and participated people interested in the changes around those places. Places like Sabana Grande, Safando, Casa Vieja, Chongon, Limoncito, San Geronimo 1 and 2, Las Americas among others.

Washington Balseca, presindet of the comity of the improvements of Puerto Hondo, stated the new limits of Guayaquil, approved by the Council Cantonal, but at the same time it was refused for some people in Chongon since they stated "you are not taking our lands”.

Also, they pointed out that they are not going to charge more taxes since they have been charging taxes since 1991, said the director. The president of Chongon stated that they are accomplishing the things that they have promised like new roads, water, markets, and others.

The City Hall built a court for the community.

They take more than $ 300 thousand form the bank.

Around 300 thousand is the lost for the robbery on the Banco de Guayaquil, located on the av. Manabi, and also the robbery of the manager of the Bank, Victor Hugo Andrade.
For making this plan effective the robbers had been following Andrade for couple of days and noticing what was the schedule that he had. So the morning of October 27, 2010 they had followed him and kidnap around 6:00 am minutes after he left his house to buy breakfast.
The robbers move in a grey truck and the plates are MBB - 1361

Some witness stated that they were 8 people involved in this crime, a women among one of them. First they entered to Andrade's house and made him give some of his property of value. Later they took him to the Bank, located near to the bus terminal of Portoviejo.

As soon as they arrive to the bank they kept it all on threats, and they deactivated the alarms and asked for the password of the vault.

This robbery of bank was made by four of the eight people involved, and the rest of the crew stayed in the house. This robbery was carefully plan that they only took half hour to rob around 300 thousand Dollars, thing that the police couldn't give the right amount.
After they left from the scene crime, they came back to Andrade's house and they tie him and took them to a different place, Quinta de Guillem, and drop him off there.

They police tried to look for them, but they didn't had enough evidence to see where the robbers left and who were involved.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The daily life in Ecuador is getting more dangerous every day.

The family members of the people murdered and found last Tuesday in a BMW car, grey color, plates GNY -772, pointed out that the last time that they knew something about their families was when they made a bank transaction in Riocentro Los Ceibos.

Hernán Manuel Cueva Condoy, 31 years; Ángel Moncayo Palacios, 42; and, Marcos San Martín, 30, were found last Tuesday in km 33 going to the coast, near Chongón.

People that live near said that they saw the car going around the place slowly and then saw it stop near the high way, going from Guayaquil to Cerecita, and it was abandon by a non identify guy.

The bodies where found by the people from the UPC. The bodies where in the behind sit, with there hands tie. It was inform that the glass from the drivers sit was broken, and there was and impact of a bullet in another window.

Some of the family members said that they robbers stole all the belonging, including laptop, jewelry, ID. The vehicle that the bodies were found its value around the $ 58.000.


There was not enough time to save the miners

The minister of Resources no renueval pointed out this Thursday that there wasn't enough time to find the find two miners with life. They were trap and hidden under the crumbs of the collapse. The bodies were found Wednesday at night by the rescue people.

Three Ecuadorians and one Peruvian were trap since last Friday in the mine Casa Negra, near Portovelo, that is 400 south the capital, Quito. The next day the rescuers found the Paúl Aguirre the Ecuadorian Wálter Vera. After that they initiated a search to find the other two workers Angel Vera and Pedro Mendoza hoping that they will still be alive.

Sadly they couldn't find them on time, and when the rescuers found them it was too late. The bodies were still warm, meaning that they weren't dead long time ago. "We needed couple hours more" stated Ramirez, one of the miners.

Also the president Correa added that he will give support to the widows and the kids of the miners, giving them housing, scholarships for the kids and health insurance.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Admission suspend for military school.

The school Liceo Naval has been affected since the prohibition of the sell of prospects for the new incoming students of this institution.

The parents of the families should buy this prospect that contains the requisits and documents that they should have for the inscription of the school. Since they didnt have it, the registration for the school for the primary and high school for the school year 2011- 2012 has been suspended, according to Monica Franco.

According to the agreements of the minster of Education they have said that all the military schools are public schools and free.

La Subsecretaria se reunió ayer con el rector de este plantel, Manuel Ribadeneira, con quien analizó el acuerdo interministerial y el instructivo para la matriculación en los establecimientos públicos. According to the principle of the school the transition from private to public you find the prospects that the parents have to pay.

Some of the money that the school is charging for the registration is used to pay some salaries of the teachers. Some of the teachers are worry about this because during the next couple month they have to take the physics test and knowledge of math, English and social studies.

This school have a total of 2.700 students including primary and high school

Puerto Limpio has a debt of 60.000 for no clean

Jaime Nebot, Guayaquil's major pointed out that Puerto Limpio,the collector of the trash, didnt start working like he supposed. He supposed to start collecting the garbage on Monday cleaning the streets, instead of Vachagnon.

Nobody saw it on the streets Puerto Limpio collecting the garbage. Instead Vachagnon picks up the garbage of some streets, in some sectors of the city. But nobody saw the cars of the Puerto Limpio cleaning, like the were supposed to.

The major clearly said to the public, that Puerto Limpio should have started on Monday at the 00:00, since they didn't do it they have to pay a fine of 60,000 because of his in-punctuality. The major also said that if they don't pay that amount of money for the next day they will have to pay $60 more dolares per every day that they take to pay their debt.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Migration of Ecuadorian

There has been a huge descended in numbers for the Ecuadorian immigrants in Madrid. According to the last census there were 128.486 registered citizens in last January but now there is 124.491, meaning there is 3.11% less or around 4000.

By this there has major drop on the groups of citizens of Latin America.This is not the first time that something like this happens in this area, nevertheless this change of the drop of the number of the registered citizens is because a change of the tendency in the Ecuadorian population outside the country, that years of immigrating they are returning to the country also, said Galo Chiriboga Zambrano.

Some of the main reason that this is happening right now is because of the economic crisis that Spain has caused to a lot of Ecuadorians and Spanish people also. Also because of the incentives that the Government of Quito is offering to the return of the citizens that are outside of the county and the improvement in the economic conditions in the country.

So this region has more registered citizens of Romania (1.70%) and Polonia (.74%) that they have the right of living and working there just as much as China (1.71) and Marrocos (.25%).

"This tendency of coming back to Ecuador is the destiny of leaving here" Chiriboga Zambrano.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

El Universo. Guayaquil, 5 September 2010

The national Assembly in Ecuador was suspended. " Because of the lack of guarantee for the realization of session No. 62 of the National Assembly that is at 9:30, its canceled", said the president in charge of the legislative law, Irina Cabezas.
The army still patrol the city even though the police officers are back in duty since the beginning of the week. They patrol the big cities and the main streets just to be careful, since last Thursday some policeman rebel against the president, leaving Ecuador in a caos for hours. He decided to take some benefits from them. This assembly was canceled because of the rebellion last week almost put in danger the life of the president.
The assembly was going to initiate the debate of the code of Public Planing and Finances, the government of Correa its defined as important to the economy recovery of the estate.
Near the facilities of the president you can read painted on the wall criticizing the police officers ""Police treacherous, your work comes first "or" The policeman is your friend? "

Last week a bunch of policeman didn't let the president of Ecuador leave the hospital, until he was rescue by the military people in an operation that involved shooting guns and smoke bombs that took the life of many military men.

Authorities got to an agreement to raise the salary of the policeman and military people.

Ecuadorian Military patrol the streets until October 8, September 2010 (video showing scenes from last Thursday)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Thursday 28. 2010

People robbing banks, malls, everything that they see on their way. That’s what happened on Thursday in Ecuador. The policeman went on a strike; the president was on the Hospital. Suddenly we hear gun shoots and it was the people of Ecuador trying to kill the president. Going out to the corner wasn’t an option anymore it was too dangerous to leave the house. Thief took advantage that there were no policeman and destroy the properties. It wasn’t safe anymore, the school got cancelled until next Tuesday, and collage returns the student to their houses. The president finally was move from the Hospital and they took it to El Palacio Cristal, in Quito. Carlos Vera made a video telling what was going on and explaining that it was all a fraud. The president plan all this so he can be hero or the victim in this story.